
tisdag 13 november 2012

Well hello

Life can be exhausting!
Just getting up in the morning is a struggle and thats just the start of the day.
I guess i'ts the November flu.
All I want to do is stay home, make dresses and paint!
Anyone else feel like that?

My new inspiration is Tim´s Sally , I adore her work!

I'm taking the "paint your story " onlineclass and its soooooo much fun!
Hideous result so far! Eaven my mum is vague in her respons.

I did manage to paint a few little kids that I like though, didnt want them to be cute... and that is surprisingly hard!

Let me present my Green Bow Girls!

3 kommentarer:

  1. Japp, precis så är det för mig också. Vill bara sova och vara hemma, ingen jobbmotivation alls.

    1. Man borde ha jullov i tio veckor!

    2. Ja, och så lite höstlov innan dess också. Då vore det drägligt med höst. :)
